Secondary Education Conference


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UPDATE: Secondary Ed Conference 2002-2003 is being held on Friday, January 10, 2003. Please contact a SHACS officer if you are interested in speaking at it.

Note to schools: An updated schedule has been posted below along with an early registration form. They may now be obtained by clicking the link below. Please send the completed form along with payment to the address given in the brochure. Please note that while it is not mandatory, it would be helpful to our organization to notify us if you already know which lectures you plan to attend.

Advanced Registration Form

Brochure Cover
Updated Schedule

The Secondary Education Conference is an event where SHACS extends an invitation to the surrounding high schools to come on campus for a day and participate in a educational day full of seminars over computing. Popular sessions include: How to build a PC, Surfing the Web, Making your own Webpage, and Network Gaming.

SHACS members get the fun and exciting experience of sharing their knowledge and participants in the conference are introduced to basic computer concepts.














Java (Applets) - Jamie Isaacs

Intro to ADA - Andrew Piling

Data Structures - Jamie Isaacs and Andrew Piling

Cryptography - Dr. Burris

Build your own PC - Andrew Piling and Kirk Burns

Intro to Programming - Kenneth Parker

Visual C++ Graphics - Prof. Hartness

VB (Basic and Advanced) - Stephen Frey

Intro to C++ - Andrew Piling

Networking (Home and General) - Jeremy Binkley

Network Gaming - Jason Dean

Building WebPages - Shannon Voss

3D Animation in Maya - Jason Dean

Intro to Linux - Dustin Bryant

Digital Imaging - Jeremy Binkley

Artificial Intelligence - Kirk Burns

Web Browsing and searching - ?

Digital Audio - ?

Attending Schools: To Be Announced

   Secondary Education Conference