PROSPECTIVE SHACS MEMBERSTo join the SHACS mailing list, follow the instructions below: 1) Create an email to the following address from your e-mail account. Make sure you are logged in to your account because the account the email is sent from is used to make your mailing list subscription. 2) In the body of the message type "SUBSCRIBE SHACS" (the subject of the message is not important). 3) Click send. 4) You will receive an email confirming your addition to the mailing list. You can send email to the entire list by addressing your mail to [email protected]. Please remember your message will be sent to the entire SHACS mailing list, including current members, faculty and other interested parties. Abuse of this list, including SPAMMING, FLAMING, etc will not be tolerated and you will be banned from the list. Also please remember to use the list only for SHACS business. |