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Computer Science Alumni

Johnnie Netrow II

Current Employer: COMPAQ Computer Corp.
Title: System/Software Engineer
Graduation Date: 1999
Degree: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

Johnnie works for COMPAQ Computer Corp. in the Wide Area Test division as a System/Software Engineer. His group handles some of the quality control for COMPAQ desktops and workstations. His group sub-section monitors platform compatibility, so he gets his hands dirty (to use his words) working with all the major OS's and new hardware coming to market. They also work with the development teams writing testing software to track down and correct problem issues with their product.

He says that salary is flexible at COMPAQ, but having that degree does make a difference. He has been there since June of 1999, and can vouch that says it is great place to work -- the company takes care of them and provides them with many opportunities for growth. COMPAQ posts many positions on the Monster Board, and they are always looking for good people.

Software Engineer
Wide Area Test (WAT)
Office: CCA7738
Phone: (281) 514-7522