Computer Science Alumni

Brad Merrell

Current Employer: Enron North America
Title: Specialist
Graduation Date: 1999
Degree: Master of Science in Computer Science

Job Information:
Department: Enron Technology
Group: Market Analysis & Information Management (MAIM)
Salary: 56K

Job Description:
Brad is one of four people who support databases and servers within Enron, which contain data for all commodities and a majority of all active stock within all the world exchanges. They currently have servers and databases in Calgary, New York, Portland, Olso, Houston, Sydney, London, Berlin, and Singapore.

Brad remotely manages these servers and develops new tools for pulling data from them. He also helps the various users (stock/commodity traders & analysts) in learning and using the various tools.

Software Tools:
Operating Systems:
Unix & NT

Programming Languages:
Java (mainly), Perl, VB, VBA, HTML, Javascript

Software Tools: TIBCO, CORBA, Symantec Visual Cafe, Borland JBuilder, Visio, Rational Rose (OO Design Tool), KL Groups for Java

Home Address:
4040 Synott #908
Houston, Texas 77082
(281) 759-3764

Work Address:
Building Address:
1400 Smith Street
Houston, Texas 77002-7361

Mailing Address:
PO Box 1188
Houston, Texas 77251-1188

Work Phone: (713) 853-1851
Fax: (713) 646-2308
Pager: (713) 285-7187