Attention! We will be bowling again this coming Tuesday night 2-11-03 from 9:30 ~ midnight at the Huntsville Lanes bowling ally. You’re all invited and the more people we have the merrier, so don’t be afraid to invite any friends. The cost of bowling at the mentioned time is $10.75 and this includes shoes, a lane, a ball, and all you can eat pizza.
Hi everybody! Now that the secondary education conference is over SHACS is trying to plan a field trip. If you have any suggestions on where we should go please email the SHACS list or bring it up at the next meeting on Wed., February 19, 2003. If you are on the PR or events committee please try to make this meeting. Be sure to join the mailing list for all the latest info. Hope to see you there!
About Us
The Sam Houston Association of Computer Scientists (SHACS) was started more than a decade ago by Dr. David Burris in order to provide a platform for sharing knowledge, to improve communication between students and faculty, and to promote the future of computer science at SHSU. SHACS is a social and professional organization dedicated to serving the interests of all majors and minors in the computer science arena.
The association provides a learning environment through speakers and special projects that unite students, professors, and industry professionals. These relationships help to promote the sharing of knowledge and skills related to computer science. Meetings are conducted in a relaxed atmosphere and include seminars, lectures, projects, and social events that give students and faculty a chance to interact on a one-to-one and one-to-many level.
SHACS is a charter member of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). The ACM is a professional computing organization in industry. SHACS members are encouraged to join, but ACM membership is not a requirement.
Email SHACS - [email protected]